Middle Region
The central part of Syria is covered by Al-Cham.
desert (al-Badia) where plains and pasture lands give an unusual charm to a vast terrain.
of sand and rock.
Palmyra is located in the heart of the Syrian desert, and is often described as "the bride of the desert." Her magnificent remains tell a heroic story during the reign of Queen Zenobia.
The 'Oasis of Palmyra' was mentioned in one of the Assyrian tablets of the 20th century BC. and on the tablets of Mari. Palmyra was an Agreement to stop the caravans moving between Iraq.
and Syria (Syria, Lebanon and Jordan), Silk Trade from China to the Mediterranean (The Silk Road).
Knights Crash
It is one of the most important preserved.
medieval military castles in the world, and one of the most spectacular. It is 650 m high. the sea level. It was built in order to control the tan
called “Homs Gap”, the gateway to Syria. In ancient times the importance of
The strategic corridor was immense. was of crucial importance to the crusaders and others
foreign invaders in their conquest of the coast. Conflict over Krak des Chevaliers
It continued through the centuries and Sultan Beybars managed to recover it in 1271.
Apamea is located on the right bank of the Orontes. It overlooks the Ghaab plain. Was
Built by Saluqos Nicator, the first Seleucid king of Syria in 300 BC. he named it after his wife Apame. Apamea served as home to an impressive population of half a million people. Like an eastern crossroads. It received numerous illustrious visitors such as Cleopatra. Septimius Severus and Emperor Caracalla. Most of the discovered ruins date back to the Roman and Byzantine era. It is distinguished by its high walls and the main street surrounded by columns with twisted grooves. The street is about 2km long and 37m wide. The ruins of the Romans.
The theater and colonnade are 145 m long.